PDF24 Creator v11.17.0 PDF文件制作工具

PDF24 Creator是一款简单易用,功能独特的一款pdf文件制作工具,可以将其他格式的文件转换成PDF格式,再利用虚拟打印机打印出来!甚至可以将截图下来的图片,保存成为PDF文件!

PDF24 Creator v11.17.0 PDF文件制作工具 PDF24 Creator v11.17.0 PDF文件制作工具


PDF24 Creator 是一个免费的pdf转换器,使用它能够让你自己来创建pdf文档,任何支持打印的文档都可以变成pdf格式,整个软件带有中文界面,还能够设置转换后pdf文件的质量,尺寸,也能为pdf添加签名、水印,除此之外,还集成了好用的截图功能。











PDF24 Creator还会在系统托盘中显示一个图标,在图标的右键菜单中,你会发现有截图功能,由于QQ截图还不能够直接把截图保存成pdf格式,所以你可以使用这个软件替代。


Version 11.16.0
Updater: Improved download speed

Downloading the update no longer takes as long as in older versions. Internally, the user interface was updated too often, which had a negative impact on the download speed.

Updater: MSI updates are now possible

We have extended the updater and integrated the option to also update MSI installations. When installing via the MSI, the setting that updates are searched for and installed now remains active. If you do not want this, you can deactivate this via the switch AUTOUPDATE=No on the command line.

Toolbox: Fixed a problem when creating a file preview

The PDF file preview was not displayed after adding 5 password-protected PDF files. There was an internal error with password-protected files and the internal worker that generates the preview was not released again to be able to work on further files. This problem has been fixed.

Toolbox: OpenAction in merged PDF files removed

When merging PDFs, any existing OpenAction is now removed so that the PDF is always opened on the first page.

Toolbox: Color correction in the dark design

The color for start files was changed for the dark theme. The color came from the light theme, but that was not dark enough.

Common: Integrated options for memory usage when starting the JRE

Added options to control the MaxRAMPercentage and the Xmx command line arguments of JRE calls to solve memory issues. More information can be found in the manual.

Reader: Components updated

Webview2 has been updated to version 120.0.2210.144. JRE has been updated to version 17.0.10+7. QPDF has been updated to version 11.8.0. PDFium has been updated to the latest version.

DocTool: Bookmarks when merging on the command line

Added [-bookmark bookmarkCmd] to the -join handler to keep, delete or create bookmarks. More informationen is available in the manual.

Reader: Page jumping due to scrollbar removed

Sometimes the displayed page jumps a few pixels to the left after opening a PDF file due to the added vertical scrollbar. This is somewhat annoying and we have optimized this so that it no longer occurs.

Reader: Cursor corrected in snapshot mode

The cursor in snapshot mode was not set correctly. This is now the cross cursor.

Reader: Artifacts in snapshot mode removed

Artifacts were removed in snapshot mode. Artifacts occurred when the snapshot rectangle was outside a page.

Reader: Measurement tool added

The new measuring tool can be used to measure distances in PDF pages. The measurement tool can be selected via the toolbar in the Reader.


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